Spooky Furs!

Dealers Den

Celebrating creativity, craft, and inspiration is the goal in our Dealers Den.

Dealers Den Applications Are Now Closed​

Table Pricing (Entire Event Friday - Sunday):

Dealer's Table

$ 275
  • 8'x5’ Plot
  • x1 Attendee Ticket
  • Table and chair Included
  • Additional Table - $100 (No half tables)

Vendor's Table

$ 400
  • 10'x15’ Plot
  • x2 Attendee Tickets
  • Table and chairs included
  • Additional Table - $35 (No half tables)​

Dealer's Table

$ 275
  • 8'x5’ Plot
  • x1 Attendee Ticket
  • Table and chair Included
  • Additional Table - $100 (No half tables)

Vendor's Table

$ 400
  • 10'x15’ Plot
  • x2 Attendee Tickets
  • Table and chairs included
  • Additional Table - $35 (No half tables)​

Artist's Table (Per Day)

$ 40
  • 72"x30” table
  • Table and chairs included
  • Half Table w/ one chair - $20 per day

Dealers Den Vendors Map

Dealers Den Registration Schedule 2024

  • Monday, March 25th – Dealers Den applications open.
  • Sunday, April 7th @ 11:59PM CST – Dealers Den applications close.
  • Wednesday, April 10th – Dealer Den notifications are sent to inquiring individuals.
  • April 10th – 21st – Table Payment Window.
  • Monday, April 22th – Tables released to waiting list.
  • Wednesday, July 31st – Latest date to receive Oklahoma Sales Permit ID.

Code of Conduct

Oklahoma Sales Tax Permit

  1. All Merchants are required to file taxes with the state of Oklahoma, via Sales Permit ID or SSN.
  2. Merchants must have submitted the above before the convention (Deadline July 31st) in order to be permitted to sell.
  3. Tax rate for Tulsa+Oklahoma is 8.52% (As of 3/19/2024).

Dealer’s Den Con Schedule

  • Thursday:
    • SETUP ONLY – 5pm – 10pm (Depends on hotel after tables are set up)
  • Friday:
    • SETUP – 8am -11:30am
    • Soft Open 10am-12pm (Staff and vendors shopping)
    • Official open 12pm-6pm
    • SOFT TEARDOWN 6pm-7pm
  • Saturday:
    • SETUP – 9am – 10am
    • OPEN: Soft Open ( Super Sponsor 9:30am, Sponsor 9:45am)
    • Official Open 10am – 6pm
    • SOFT TEARDOWN 6pm – 7pm
  • Sunday:
    • SETUP – 9am – 10am
    • Official Open 12pm– 4pm
    • TEARDOWN 4pm – 9pm
  1. Table Types:
    1. Vendor:
      1. Vendor spaces are a 10×15’ booth slot with electricity, and a table
        1. Additional tables can be added within requests for an additional $35 per table. 
        2. Purchasing multiple Vendor spaces is available for large setups.
    2. Dealer:
      1. Dealer’s spaces are an 8×5′ space, a table, and electricity
        1. Four sets of two conjoined tables at the ends of each Dealer’s Den row (end caps booths) will be offered in the main den
    3. Adult Den
      1. Both vendor and dealer spaces will be offered in the adult den
  1. Selection Process
    1. Vendors and Dealers will be selected by committee based on substance and quality of products to be sold. Both vendors and dealers are expected and required to provide:
      1. Detailed descriptions of the products being sold
      2. Photographs of booths from previous vending events
      3. Preference of table type and whether the booth should be placed in the main den or adult den
        1. Vendors and dealers are not permitted to transfer tables to another artist. In the case that the artist cannot, they can have an assistant sit in their place and sell the artist who submitted the table in their place.
    2. Once selected dealers and vendors will receive emails about their selection. Dealers are expected to pay within 14 days.
      1. Failure to do so will result in the table being sold to the next person in the waitlist who will have 14 days to pay for their table.
  2. Electricity usage
    1. Vendors and Dealers will have limited access to power. Please refer to if you need power in your application.
    2. Vendors and Dealers are not to use excessive power at the booth, and may be liable for extra fees from the hotel.
    3. Public WIFI is available through the hotel.
    4. Private Wi-Fi for merchants TBD
  1. Loading dock
    1. Dock will be provided at _______________ Entrance (To be Decided by Hotel at a later date, accepted vendors will receive information upon acceptance and closer to the con dates)
  1. Postage of signs and displays
    1. Use of space is up to the dealer within certain restrictions, including, but not limited to.
      1. Tops, and immediately behind the Artist and merchant’s table. Side standing/hanging materials may be permitted within discretion of the Artist Alley or Dealers Den staff. Please be respectful and do not encroach upon your neighbor’s space, including the ones behind you, without their permission.
      2. Lights, sound, and music(including videos) are allowed as long as they do not disturb others, including other merchants and attendees. If complaints are called, staff are within reason to ask to remove items.
      3. Noise makers are allowed within reason, excessive noise makers will be asked to be silenced if upsetting other merchants and attendees.
      4. Merchants are not to attach things to walls or ceiling of the hotel, with any method, bar none. All displays must be free standing.
  1. Prohibited Items (Tails and Tornadoes FurCon Staff reserve the rights to ask merchants to remove from display and sale if any items are deemed inappropriate for the convention)
    1. Firearms
    2. Alcohol
    3. Weapons that are not peace bonded by Con Security
    4. Flammable and incendiary items, other than candles and incense
    5. Candles and incense may not be lit for demonstration purposes
      1. Heavily scented items are to be limited, particularly if overbearing and affecting attendants or other Merchants.
    6. Food items manufactured without FDA and/or local health inspector oversight
    7. NFT and AI generated art.
    8. Any other items prohibited by the hotel, City of Tulsa, or State of Oklahoma.
  1. Adult material
    1. Adult material is allowed in Dealers Den, but must be censored appropriately to prevent minors from viewing
      1. Censoring includes genital region(including shapes that are covered) as well as female nipples, and bodily fluids.
      2. All adult material(including but not limited to: video, drawn, audio, physical, and anything else not listed) must be censored.
      3. Artists are responsible for providing material to censor works, as well as policing their own works.
      4. Adult material may be displayed uncensored in the Adult Den
    2. Dealers and vendors are required to check ID’s for individuals appearing below the age of 18, particularly if the badge identifications do not appear to match the appearance of the individuals.
    3. Sold materials must be censored and/or sold in an opaque container(box, bag, etc) upon purchase
  1. Raffles (whether money involve or not)
    1. Due to state laws, Oklahoma does not allow raffles for “For Profit” groups and organizations to occur in Dealers Den, unless for a Non-Profit Organizations(eg: the convention, or the charity of choice.)
    2. Blind boxes/bags are permitted to be sold in the Dealers Den but the Tails and Tornadoes Dealers Den Staff reserve the rights to audit the contents of a blind box/blind bag.
      1. Failure of an audit may result in the banning of sale of in-question blind boxes/blind bags.
  1. No Sales outside of AA/DD
    1. No transactions will occur outside of the merchant areas without prior authorizations.
  1. Good Business Practices
    1. Provide customers with means of contact during and after the con for commission work, either in the form of a receipt and/or business card
  1. Customer
    1. Be sure to get the artist’s contact details to contact through/after con
    2. If using sketchbook: be sure to put one’s own contact details (phone, email address, social media, etc) so that artist can contact you when your commission is finished
    3. Artists are to follow through with commissions, particularly if a transaction has occurred.
      1. Repeated offenses of “scamming” will be addressed and might hold the artist liable to no longer be able to vend at Tails and Tornadoes FurCon
      2. Be sure to set reasonable timelines for “take-home” commissions, and send home commissions after completion, particularly sketchbooks.
      3. Tails and Tornadoes FurCon is not liable for any commissions incompleted. We will do our best to verify good merchants before accepting them into the vending spaces, but all transactions shall be handled between the merchant and the buyer.
  1. Merchant Liability
    1. Merchants are responsible for damages to hotel property and equipment loaned to them that are deemed inappropriate use. Property of the hotel is not to be modified in any way; holes, chips, paint, glue or other damages, including inappropriate or rough behavior. Please do not stand on chairs, or tables. Merchants are held liable if injured while standing on chairs or tables, please be responsible.
  1. Layout Changes
    1. Vendor hall lead retains the right to change layouts of the hall at any time, including and during setup.
  1. No Horse Play! (Or any other animal play) is allowed in the Dealers Den
    1. Dealers Den leads have the final say on decisions made in these spaces
      1. All Rules shall be followed, including the attendee Code of Conduct
      2. TTFC reserves rights to amend rules without prior or posted notice

*Rules are subject to change.

The cut off date for refunds for the 2023 convention is: August 1, 2023. Individuals requesting refunds after this date, will receive a voucher credit to the 2024 event.

Check Back Here Soon For Dealers Den Information.

Our 2023 Vendors!

Jitt Wolf Productions

Not Specified

Independent production company based in Long Beach, CA. If you like feel good stories, a variety of styles, etc. you will love our work. :3

Website: Jittwolfproductions.com

Deann Stone Designs

She / Her, They / Them

Deann Stone Designs offers you watercolor commissions done while you enjoy the con! Be it a picture to frame or a badge to wear. Other such goodies like stickers, pins and other crafts!



She / Her

Hi! We’re LakeMutt! We specialize in custom merch & artwork! We make custom bags, fannypacks, blankets & more of your fursona or any character! We also make cute badges at con made from posca, copic or digital! We also have a wide selection of stickers & charms!



He / Him

Hey there, I’m Nomu! I’m a fiber artist from Minnesota here to share my adorable creations with all of you!


Stuff by Mega

She / Her

Stuff By Mega provides an assortment of cute plushies, props, accessories, and more!


Art by TiggerPup

She / Her

Hello, I’m Tigger! I’m a digital and traditional furry artist who specializes in at-con badges and offering cute and unique con swag such as enamel pins, keychains, lanyards, and more!



Glitzy Fox Studios

She / Her

Glitzy Fox Studios is a team of fursuit builders and artists that specialize in expressive semi-toony fursuits with changeable parts. They also offer a wide variety goods including artwork, fursuit accessories (tail belts, fursuit sprays, balaclavas, flower crowns etc.), dakimakuras / body pillows, and clothing.

Fun Fact: Glitzy cannot draw. She’s probably the only fursuit maker out there that doesn’t know how to hold a pencil correctly.


Pinku’s Crafty Cottage

Not Specified

We are a small two-person team bringing high quality fursuit parts to the fandom. We have a wide range of ready to wear animals to choose from at each event in many colors! Stop by to also see our fursuit sprays, pins, keychains, and totes for fun smaller items.

Fun Fact: We refer to our tails and paws as a ” Harvest” <3


TDrumm3D and Resin By Roxy

She / Her & He / Him

A creative couple who joined forces to bring unique and inspired pieces to life.  

Roxanne’s (She/Her) style has been called Lisa Frank meets 90s grunge.   Most of her resin pieces are themed around mental health and well being.  Gender affirmation and safe spaces.  

Tyson (He/Him) uses a team of 3D printers to create Fantasy/Sci-Fi functional pieces for play/use.  Retro related to modern pop culture, cosplay and props.  


Cicada Cafe

He / Him

My name is KingSmiggles and I’m a horror and monster enthusiast working full time on merch and illustration. 


Bison Wares

He / Him

Merch Maker specializing in spooky and nature themed illustrations. 

Website: https://twitter.com/BisonWares?t=ySMK-ToMMEpTjqZtjt2J6w&s=09

Trashcamell Designs

Not Specified

I’m TrashCamell and I’m here to make comics! Drop by my table to see my books grab commissions and let me interview you for a furry podcast. ‘The Trash Bin’


Moon Puppy Creations

Not Specified

Moon Puppy Creations was formed in 2022 in hopes to share our love for making products with people all over. We enjoy trying new things and learning new techniques. We mostly specialize in sewing (bag making, plush making), resin art, and artwork creations (painting, drawing, digital art). We love what we do and we would love to see you at a show soon!


Sunny Dawg Studio

He / Him

Hello! We are sunny dawg studio! We are a team of six artists and fursuit makers that strive to be “stronger together” by working together under one studio name!



She / Her

Originally from Argentina, this furry artist specializes in hyper detailed illustrations!

Starry Stitch Cafe

Not Specified

We are a queer owned two person studio, based in Oklahoma. We collaborate to create cute and dreamy art, merch, and plush for the inner child and animal lover in us all.


Baja Gryphon

He / Him

Fun Fact: Disabled & LGBTQIA+ owned


Wolfbuck Studios

Not Specified

No bio provided!

Our Mass Hysteria

Not Specified

Handmade faux fur hats, 5 finger hand paws, adjustable ears, feet paws, tails, partial fursuits, original plushies, 3-D printed claws for fursuits (both plastic and resin), and 3-D printed fidget toys.


Furry Flags and Shifter Clothing

They / Them

Furry flags, badges, transformation art.


Adults-Only (AD) Vendors (18+)

Chameleon After Dark


From the Edge Toys

She/Her, He/Him, They/Them

Icebounde Art

Not Specified

Mao’s Menagerie


Regally Wild

Not Specified

Stray Toys

Not Specified