Code of Conduct Agreement
Last Updated 01/28/2024
- All attendees are assumed to have read and understood the Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con (herein: TTFC) Code of Conduct and agreed to the terms set forth herein when receiving a badge.
- All attendees agree to indemnify and hold harmless TTFC, it’s affiliates, associates, vendors, partners, and Board of Directors from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual’s activities at TTFC.
- TTFC reserves the right to deny or revoke attendance at any time for any reason. Upon attendance revocation, that attendee must surrender their convention badge to Staff and leave TTFC convention spaces immediately. Removed attendees will not be entitled to refunds.
- TTFC accepts no liability for whatever may occur outside of convention spaces. Incidents that occur in a hotel room are the sole responsibility of the individual to whom the room is rented. This includes payment for any damage, responsibility for complaints levied against the room or area and any other issues that may arise.
- Our Code of Conduct is not an exhaustive list of do’s and don’ts. Any behavior that interferes with the operations of TTFC or harms its reputation is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, its relations and reputation with our community, municipality, venue, or the public. This also includes interfering with or disregarding instructions or guidance from TTFC staff during the performance of their duties.
- TTFC reserves the right to amend these rules without notice.
Badging Policy
All attendees of TTFC (except minors attending with a parent) will be required to present a single government-issued photo ID at registration which clearly states their full legal name and date of birth.
Examples of valid photo identification include:
* Photo ID issued by DPS or DMV office
* A valid (non-expired) Driver’s license
* Military ID
* Passport
Examples of IDs that are NOT valid include (but not limited to):
* School ID
* Employee ID
* Any other ID that is either not issued by the government or not a photo ID will full legal name and date of birth.
NOTICE: Any person who does not present such photo ID will not be allowed to complete the on-site portion of registration or be granted a convention badge.
TTFC will not accept any refund requests after Pre-Registration has closed.
TTFC does not permit attendance by any individual who appears on any state or federal sex offender registry.
All attendees (in and out of costume) are required to have their con badge clearly visible at all times while in event space and it must be shown upon request to convention staff, security, or hotel staff. Altering convention badges is forbidden.
If your badge becomes unusable or is lost, it may be replaced for a charge. Any attendee entering the adult programming area must present a valid government-issued photo ID in addition to current year proof of badge.
Minor Attendance Policy
Attendees who will be 16 or 17 on or before the first day of the convention, may attend TTFC without a parent or guardian, provided that the parent(s) or guardian completes the Parental Consent form. This document must be signed by the minor’s parent(s) or legal guardian, notarized by a public notary or witnessed TTFC Staff Member, and turned into the Registration team on-site upon arrival to the event.
Attendees 15 years old or younger upon receiving their badge must register and be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian at all times in all convention space.
Parent(s) or guardian(s) who are attending with a minor will be required to sign up for an attendee badge. Parent(s) or guardian(s) will be held responsible for damage and/or issues caused by their minors.
Children 15 and under may attend at no charge with at least one paid adult registration but must be supervised and attended at all times by a parent or guardian.
Harassment, Alcohol and Weapons
TTFC has a strict No Harassment policy (physical, verbal and/or sexual). Harassment or discrimination is not tolerated; this includes but is not limited to the spreading, supporting, and/or sympathizing with discrimination based on race, color, national origin or ancestry, creed or religion, sex, or gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or age.
All parties at which alcohol is served or consumed must verify that every person consuming alcohol at the party is 21 years of age or older by checking government-issued photo IDs. Any party found serving alcohol to or allowing consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 will be shut down immediately. No usage, sale or possession of illegal or non-prescribed controlled substances will be tolerated.
No weapons are permitted at TTFC. Fake or peace-bonded props for use as a part of a costume must be approved by TTFC Security before being shown in public. Additional prohibited items include, but are not limited to, silly string, paintball guns, water guns or any similar devices.
Dress Code
Any attire worn in the hotel must maintain a PG rating up until 9:00pm. Between the hours of 9:00 pm and 4:00 am, attire must maintain a PG-13 rating.
Helpful Hints:
- Attendees must wear appropriate attire up to and including opaque shirts, pants/shorts, and footwear.
- Appropriate undergarments must be worn under bodysuits e.g. dance belts
- The following are not permitted at TTFC:
- Any attire that is genuine or gives the appearance of being non-fictional military or law enforcement attire with the exception of currently serving military or law enforcement personnel who may wear their duty uniforms.
- Any attire which allows for the features of a person’s genitalia to be viewed
- Armbands
- Symbols perceived as hate symbols as determined by our staff.
- Leashes
- The following is permitted only between the hours of 9:00 pm and 4:00 am:
- Latex/PVC/Neoprene form fitting bodysuits
Behavior in Public Areas
Any attendees engaging in behavior which endangers life or property will have their badge revoked immediately and may be barred from future events organized by TTFC.
The following behaviors are prohibited in any public area:
- Excessively loud volumes or use of portable speakers
- Disrespect of hotel staff or damage to hotel property
- Sleeping
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages anywhere other than hotel approved areas
- Display of any adult-themed subject matter
- Running, Skateboarding or use of Hoverboards or Wheeled Footwear
- Operating drones or radio-controlled flying devices
- Throwing Objects
- Selling goods or services outside of the commerce areas specifically designated by TTFC
The Marriott Southern Hills expressly prohibits any posting of signs, fliers, notices, etc. on all walls, doors, and in elevators. Do not deface or mark on the hotel’s surfaces. Fursuits are not allowed in the Hotel Restaurant or Bar. No rule in this code of conduct is meant to supersede any rule set by the hotel.
All interior areas of the hotel are non-smoking. This includes vaping. The hotel has designated outside areas where smoking and vaping are permitted.
Media Policy
Commercial photography and video coverage is not allowed in convention areas of the hotel. Those wishing to conduct commercial photography or video must receive approval, prior to entry to the convention. Attendees purchasing a badge agree not to act as media agents, while attending the event. Any attendees taking video or photography of individuals must ask permission.
Members of the Press and Media should contact us through the contact methods provided on our website for any questions.
During the event, TTFC staff photographers and videographers will be capturing footage and photos. By attending a TTFC event, you agree that TTFC may use your image or likeness for the purpose of marketing our events with no expectation of compensation.
Individuals are not permitted to contact the news media, perform interviews, or act as representatives of the convention. Only authorized personnel designated by the convention may contact news media and / or conduct interviews and /or act as representatives.
Seeking Help and Redress
TTFC seeks to make its staff available to its attendees. All members of Staff, while on duty, will be wearing identifying clothing or badges to indicate their status. If you have a problem, please alert Staff to the issue. Staff can’t help, if they don’t know there is a problem.
TTFC staff will make every attempt to be fair, lenient and understanding in the case of infractions. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly by Staff or Security, please go to Con Ops and ask for assistance.
Health and Safety
This Policy Applies to all staff, attendees, and vendors
Exposure to any illnesses is a possibility while attending any event, and by attending, you agree that TTFC cannot be held liable for any exposure.
TTFC would like to remind everyone to do their part in helping to limit the spread of any virus or disease. The things you can do to help are:
- Getting one of the COVID-19 vaccines.
- Not attending the convention if you feel sick.
- If you start to feel sick while at the convention, wear a mask, and social distance (stay in your room).
- Wash your hands frequently.